Have You Finished Your Champion's Journey From Injury To Recovery?
Share your story
Recovering from a back or neck injury is not an easy battle. If you were like CK, you scoured the internet looking for stories like yours. Fear, anxiety and despair became the best friends you never wanted, and you were in desperate need to ditch them. All you wanted was a glimmer of hope that you could win this physical and emotional war within you.

To be a source of encouragement to those currently suffering in physical or emotional pain from injury.
To create a "one stop shop" of positive recovery stories. By collecting success stories of everyday people like us, we can all become a beacon of hope to those just starting their champion's journey of injury recovery. There is something comforting about finding other people who have gone through the same injury as yourself. Let's let them know they are not alone!
Will you share your journey on Bed Back and Beyond?